Saturday, December 23, 2006

Caught out watching the final of X factor!
Christmas drinks at our house. Check out Ness and Bob's blogspot (go to links at the top right and click on NessandBob) for more photos!

Christmas in the Cotswolds: the boys and the goose! Cooking up a storm - boy does goose fat make roast potatoes taste so good!
Oh yeah!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Wine club trip to Bratislava and ViennaBratislava - the view on this side, as you can see, is quite different to the Communist housing blocks on the other side of the river (below)! Below - the war of the worlds looking thing below is what we were standing on top of! The restaurant inside the glass thing you can see shook everytime a truck drove across the bridge!
After a night in Bratislava we took a taxi across the border into Austria - here we are at one of the many Christmas markets in Vienna drinking Gluwein!
Above - toilet in Vienna designed by Viennese artist Hundertwasser. Below - Hundertwasser's house. He also designed some toilets in NZ in Kawakawa. Apparently, he considered New Zealand his official home and always set his watch to NZ time, which is pretty cool considering what a great place Vienna is!